Thursday, 16 October 2008

What Your Network Guy Knows

So you're getting into distributed systems; maybe you've got some real scalability issues on the horizon, or perhaps you want to better isolate failure, or be able to cope with more concurrent change in the system. So how do you do this webscale thing then?

Time for some homework. Listening to some vendor pitches, maybe reading some books, or getting an expensive consultant or two in for a while (I'll take your money from you if that's what you want) might possibly do it. But before all this gets out of hand, did you realize you're probably sitting right next to a distributed systems fountain of knowledge? You already have someone, right there in your team, who has spent their entire career working with the largest eventually consistent multi-master distributed systems in the world - the trick is they might not even know it themselves - and that someone is your network guy.

Let's test this assertion against a couple of technologies that network engineers deal with every day, and look at what we can take from them into our distributed systems thinking.

How about something fundament - routing protocols. Networking gurus have a small army of acronyms at their disposal here; OSPF, EIGRP, IS-IS, BGP, and the sinister sounding RIP. These are essentially applications that run on network devices (and sometimes hosts themselves), map out the network topology, and provide data for devices to make packet forwarding decisions.

So what can we import from this technology?
1. Partitioning - networks are broken down into manageable chucks (subnetworks) which scope load (broadcasts), ringfence groups of systems for security, and limit traffic across slow and expensive links.
2. Scalability - routing protocols allow massive global networks to be established by summarizing contiguous groups of networks again and again, and ensuring any node can establish end-to-end connectivity without having to understand every single path in the network (just a default route).
3. Failure isolation - subnets are bordered by routing protocols, which form a natural boundary to most forms of network malarky. In the event that a network becomes unpredictable (flapping), some routing protocols are able to mark them down for predetermined time, which aids in local stabilization and prevents issues spilling over into healthy networks.
4. Self healing - when a failure in a network or a link between networks occurs, routing protocols observe the problem (by missing hellos or interfaces going down) and take action to to reestablish reachability (work around the problem using alternate paths etc). Each node will recompute it's understanding of the networks it knows how to reach, learn who it's neighbors are and the networks they can reach, and then return to business as usual via a process called convergence (this is a really simple study in eventual consistency and variable consistency windows).
5. Management - for the most part, networks separate their control messages from the data they transport. A good practice, especially when combined with techniques like QoS, because it significantly reduces the risk of losing control of the infrastructure under exceptional load conditions.

Now let's look at something application layer - DNS. This should be a somewhat more familiar tool (or you're kind of reading the wrong blog) and we touch it quite regularly but probably don't appreciate what goes on in the background. At it's most basic level, DNS is a client/server system for providing a mapping between human-readable hostnames and machine-friendly IP addresses. Oh but it's so much more...

So what can we import from this technology?
1. Partitioning - DNS is hideously, frighteningly big, there are hundreds of thousands of nodes in this system, from the dozen or so root servers all the way down to the corporate internet access edge servers. It is a good example of dividing up a problem; to find us you'd work right to left through a fully qualified domain name, starting with the "." (root), we're in the "com" container (hosted by a registrar), then the "betfair" container (hosted by us), and finally you'd get back some data from a record matching "www" and arrive at our place.
2. Scalability - did I mention DNS is big? DNS uses a classic combination of master/slave nodes and caching on the client and server side to scale out. At the corporate edge, DNS proxies resolve addresses on behalf of internal clients and keep answers in a local cache, ISPs and those who run their own zones keep a number of slaves (many read only) and spread queries out amongst them, and finally an expiry timestamp (TTL) is set on query results permitting client side caching.
3. Resilience - clients can be configured with a list of servers, which they will cycle through should they receive no answer. Additionally, the DNS protocol is stateless, making it easy to move servers around hot and load balance using simple, lightweight algorithms.
4. CAP - DNS definitely prefers availability over consistency, the window for an updated record to be propagated around the internet being ~24hrs in most cases. It's also highly tolerant to network segmentation, individual servers being happy to live separated from the rest of the DNS infrastructure for long periods of time, answering queries, and then catch up with all the changes in the zones they host once connectivity is reestablished.
5. Operations - the hierarchical way the namespace is organized is perfectly matched to how authority is delegated. If you're going to have a massive system spread around the globe, you've got to think about how you're going to operate it, and the DNS model for this is based on allocating administration with ownership. This gives complete flexibility and control to namespace owners without risking the integrity of the system as a whole and let's us operate the biggest distributed system in the world without employing the biggest IT team in the world.

So buy your network guy a coffee. Ask him how his world works. If you can draw the philosophical parallels, it might be the most valuable couple of hours you've spent in ages.

Oh and by the way - distributed systems are all about the network, so you're going to need a friend here anyway...

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